Tuesday, March 06, 2012

2nd Time

Tonight was my 2nd time my instructor asked me to deliver a set of dialogue in front of a big class (was it about 40-50 students?). Standing Head to Knee 1st set this time. Although I had the dialogue memorized when practicing alone, once I stepped up the podium, everything changed.
I started Okay then kinda lost what I had to say during the kicking out part. Kept telling the students to have their standing knee solid concrete lamp post no Knee, which is a key factor in the posture but I don't remember what else I said. LOL That means I gotta drill hard on my dialogue even more and more and more! I delivered the left side, but she told me after class that new teachers should just stick to what to say similar from the right side instead until I can nail it before changing up my dialogue. It was an overwhelming experience and I sweat so much even just standing up there and teaching. I dunno is it just me, I feel I kinda go short of breath when I am on there, probably just me too nervous. Even I had delivered a set of Awkward before, I still feel nervous, I think it's because I am still lacking practice in front of a big crowd. Hopefully, I will be much much better after TT.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I found your blog via Kirsten's blog. I'm so excited for you that you're at bktt and I'll be reading along to cheer you on. Welcome to LA. :)

    Just recently, I'm learning as a practitioner to just let it go, be in the moment and attempt all the postures because it's not a performance, it's a practice. Have compassion for myself.

    Would it be apt to say the same for you guys? We as students, me especially, have lots of compassion for you as a teacher, especially a new teacher. I think we take for granted the more experienced teachers who are really drilling it in to us - thus those are the ones we oft cast an evil eye to. But when I get a new teacher, his/her nervousness is palbable sometimes and therefore, my heart goes out to you. It's ok, don't be nervous. Your future students are here for you. We know you're going to get better with practice, this isn't a once in a life time performance. No one expects perfection. We're here to support you. Looking forward to following your blog and journey.
